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Mengjia Kong (Kelley)


Address: 6211 Sudikoff Lab, Hanover, NH, 03755


Tel: (609) 389-6125

Professional info


I'm a graduate student in Dartmouth College, a Chinese girl from Suzhou, China, a positive person towards the world. Enjoy development, graphics design and the life!

See my projects in

Work experience


Digital Arts Leadership and Innovation Lab, Dartmouth College

2014 - present


Work as a developer in DALI Lab. Now, work on a Lighting System of an indoor playground of Dartmouth, which is built with implementations like Node.js, Brunch and Parse.


















2010 - present

2010 - present



Master of  Science, 

Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA,

Sep. 2013 - expected Jun. 2015


Bachelor of  Science,

Computer Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China,

Sep. 2009 - Jul. 2013



DartSync   written by C (team work)

May. 2014


Implemented a system, which runs on a local always-on node as a tracker and a set of our personal devices as peers. It can synchronize files in fixed folders on different devices.

Dartmouth Campus Guide    written by JAVA, XML, JSP, HTML, CSS, JAVAscript, jQuery (team work) 

May. 2014


Implemented an app on Android which can post sites in Dartmouth online with either picture and audio. Also implemented a website server to check and manage the sites others post.

You can get the app on and

see the website on 

A fitness app on Android   written by JAVA, XML, JSP, HTML 

Apr. - May. 2014


Implemented an app on Android by JAVA and XML which can record your exercise route and analyze your exercise style, calorie consumption and etc. Also implemented a website server by JSP, HTML to store and check exercise data.

Core Layers of the network stacks   written by C 

Apr. - May. 2014


Implemented Simplified Network Layer, Transport Layer on which simple server and clients can run.

Spam Filter   written by Matlab

Feb. 2014


Try 3 algorithms to Implement a Spam Filter in Matlab: Naive Bayes, Decision Tree and Random Forests.

Chess AI   written by JAVA

Feb. 2014


Use Minimax Search in Game theory to design AI of Chess and try some optimal algorithms: Alpha-Beta Prunning, Transposition Table, Move reordering. The chess library is from  Bernhard Seybold. Written by JAVA.


Thesis: Estimating Winning Probability for Texas Hold’em Poker Based on Naive Bayes    written by Objective-C, C 

Feb. - Jun. 2013


Aim to design a data structure to store data about Texas Holdem and estimate the winning probability based on Naive Bayes. Also implemented a Texas Holdem Poker Game on iOS with a good UI. 


AI of NPC about pokers based on iOS    written by Objective-C, C (team work_

Mar. 2011 - Jun. 2012


Aim to design different levels AI of NPC about pokers. Also implemented a Chinese poker game based on iOS by Objective-C with a good UI.

A Compiler for C-- Language   written by C 

Feb. - Jun. 2012


Implemented a compiler to transform C-- language to MIPS assembly language which can be run on SPIM simulator.

Puzzle Application based on A* algorithm   written by JAVA

May. 2012


Implemented a puzzle application by JAVA based on A* algorithm with some heuristic functions and a good UI.

PC Client and Website for Weibo and Gmail   written by JAVA, JSP, HTML, CSS, SQL (team work)

Nov. - Dec. 2011


Implemented a PC client and a Website which can post and check Weibo, send and receive Gmail immediately or at any request time. Website is run on Tomcat with a good UI and MySQL database for users. 

Dancing Game on Bare Computer   written by C 

Mar. 2011


Implemented a dancing game, which can be run as a hard disk in VirtualBox.




Jun. 2013 

Excellent Undergraduate Student in Nanjing University

Jun. 2012

Excellent Award in National Undergraduate Innovation Program


Dec. 2011

Excellent Student in Computer Science, Nanjing University
Extra-curricular Activities


Oct. 2012 

The UK Exchange in University of Southampton, Cambridge University, Oxford University and Surrey University

May. 2012

Volunteer in Nanjing University 110th Anniversary Celebration


Sep. 2010 - Sep. 2011

Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department in the Student Union in Computer Science, Nanjing University
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